Speech Therapy for toddlers and preschoolers with developmental delays and Autism

Ages 18 months - 6 years old
Provided via hybrid: virtual and in-person*

Specialities and Training:

  • Child and Family Centered Support

  • Bilingual (Spanish) speech therapy

  • Neurodiversity Informed Care

  • Gestalt Language Processing/Echolalia

  • Sensory Integration and Support

  • Trauma Informed Care

After just one session, you’ll feel more informed, empowered and encouraged when interacting with your child.

“I have learned so much from you, things I didn’t even think about and you made it so simple!”

– Mother of a 3 year old

“Virtual therapy was new for me at the beginning but I learned how to connect with my son.”

– Mother of a 2 year old

“Your smile and positive attitude encouraged me.”

– Mother of a 2 year old