Communication happens everyday and everywhere! Therapy sessions are designed to be launching pads for the endless opportunities to promote language in your child’s home and community. 

Children are more than the milestones they meet. This means that we meet children where they are using a strengths based approach. We know that every child’s communication journey is unique, and so are their parents and caregivers. 

Communication requires connection. Intervention is focused on helping your child connect with and learn from the most important people in their life. We believe it is through positive relationship-based learning, that your child finds success.

Play is how children learn. And they learn best when they are regulated and having fun!

Forward is forward, no matter the speed. Children learn at their own pace. No matter the size of their accomplishments, we want to celebrate them!

Assessment and therapeutic interventions are driven by our clinical expertise, research evidence, and client/family values. 

We are committed to supporting the whole child through parent/caregiver education, support, and interdisciplinary collaboration.