Literacy Services

Need help with your struggling reader?

Literacy Services are for children
ages 6 years - 14 years-old

Strong literacy skills are important indicators of school readiness and success. Difficulties in literacy, can make it challenging for children to participate in classroom lessons and discussions, form peer relationships and be confident in school (homeschool or traditional school).

Our experience includes working with children diagnosed with:
learning disabilities, language delays, Autism, intellectual disabilities and developmental delays.

What to expect:

A good intervention plan starts with a thorough evaluation. An evaluation is completed to determine your child’s strengths and needs and includes the use of formal and informal assessment measures, observations and parent/caregiver input. You will receive a written evaluation report with results and recommendations.

Based on evaluation results, we work closely with parents and caregivers to develop the most effective intervention plan to implement your child’s personalized reading goals.

Session Fees:

30 minutes - $75 (virtual); $105 (in-person)
45 minutes - $95 (virtual); $125 (in-person)

Comprehensive Evaluation
with written report and recommendations
$450 (virtual); $480 (in-person)

In person fee is more due to drive time

New clients require an evaluation prior to scheduling individual intervention sessions.

Do you take insurance?

No. All Literacy Services are private pay.
Full payment is due the day of services.